Korean Language and Culture Education

Course Descriptions

1st year courses:

Writing for Creative Thinking

This course aims to cultivate the ability of Korean writing skills necessary for taking courses offered in universities. To this end, the purpose of this course is to develop creative thinking through basic writing exercises necessary for academic writing and to develop the ability to write essential reports of university lectures.

Selected Reading for Korean Culture

Recently, it is emphasized that learners need not only communication ability, creativity, and critical thinking ability, but also fusion, cultural understanding, and empathy ability. This lecture aims to cultivate the ability to understand Korea and respect the mutual culture by learning various cultures of Korea based on the learner's native culture.

Social Speaking and Conversation Skills

This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn Korean language expressions necessary for their personal and social communication situations. Foreign students need to speak their opinions by making good use of Korean expressions. The purpose of this course is to cultivate Korean speaking and conversational skills required for college students.

Logical Thinking and Writing

This course is aimed at cultivating the Korean writing skills necessary to take courses at universities. Through this course, students will acquire various writing styles and techniques for high-level writing, and develop their academic writing skills by intensively practicing writing exercises that can express their thoughts clearly and logically through practical tasks.

Selected Reading for Korean Society

This course aims to understand the political, economic, social and cultural characteristics of Korea and to grasp the current phenomena in Korean society. Through various texts, it is possible to enhance understanding of each genre and understand various aspects of Korean society.

Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

The purpose of this course is to develop learners' formal speaking skills and their presentation skills based on their understanding of the linguistic and discourse characteristics of formal speaking, especially in Korean.

2nd year courses:

Korean Grammar and Expression

The purpose of this course is to improve the communication skills of Korean by learning Korean grammar frequently used in real life and academic purposes. Learning Korean grammar will improve listening, reading and writing skills, and understanding differences between similar grammar.

Korean Speaking and Communication

The purpose of this course is to develop the speaking skills necessary to conduct everyday conversation and study. Through this lecture, learners will practice functional speaking skills such as comprehending, comparing, listing, and explaining the reasons of Korean speech.

Understanding Korean Pronunciation

The purpose of this course is to understand the pronunciation and phonology system of Korean and to practice the pronunciation necessary for accurate communication. For this purpose, learners understand and analyze the phonological phenomena appearing in standard pronunciation and modern Korean, and apply it to their pronunciation.

Korean Society Through Media

The purpose of this course is to understand the social issues and backgrounds of Korean newspapers, news, and current affairs programs and to develop their ability to logically present their opinions on such topics.

Culture and Communication Strategy

This course aims to understand the differences in verbal and non-verbal communication between cultures based on cultural differences and intercultural understanding in different countries of the world, and to develop ability to cope with problems caused by cultural differences in actual communication situations.

Understanding Korean Sentence Structure

The purpose of this lecture is to develop literacy that matches genre-specific characteristics by setting the writing fields required for communication in everyday life and the genres needed for university life in accordance with the needs of learners.

Historical Events in Korea

The purpose of this lecture is to deepen the understanding of Korea by learning about the historical events of Korea from the establishment of Gojoseon to the present and modern times.

Korean Society Viewed By Movies

In this lecture, we will understand Korean society through Korean films and analyze the types of utterances and Korean expressions used in various contexts and situations. Through this, it is aimed to deepen the understanding of Korea by understanding the verbal and nonverbal signals used by the various classes of Koreans and the communication methods of Koreans.

3nd year courses:

Practical Document Writing

This course aims to develop the ability to create various documents efficiently and systematically. To do this, students learn the necessary expressions for writing documents, and use computer programs to practice writing various documents.

Korean Speech Method

The purpose of this lecture is to understand the difference of speech method according to the formal and informal discourse context and to practice the structure of discourse appropriate to the context. For this purpose, learners analyze the context in which they use Korean, understand communication skills necessary for smooth communication in this context, and practice concentrated speech.

Korean Language Teaching Methodology

In this class, students learn Korean language and understand the learning process based on Korean language teaching theory and foreign language teaching theory. The class also examines prior studies on effective teaching and learning methods. The purpose is to derive teaching and learning methods that can be applied to the Korean language education field.

Understanding Korean Contemporary Culture

This course aims to expand the understanding of Korean contemporary culture and cultivate cultural communication skills. Students will not only learn about Korean culture, but will also gain a sense of looking at Korean culture compared to their own culture, and even world culture, from a cross-cultural perspective.

Understanding of Korean Traditional Culture

The purpose of this course is to deepen understanding of Korea by increasing the understanding of Korean traditional culture such as folk customs, clothes, and clothes of festivals which are often encountered in Korean life or frequently talked about.

Understanding Korean Translation

This course aims at cultivating the ability to translate between Korean and foreign languages. In this lecture, you will acquire the basics, expertise and skills necessary to perform translation related tasks.

Job Community I

Through this course, students will be able to make a good and healthy college life by sharing the information about the major field and employment and by strengthening the harmony between the professor and the student and strengthening the bond.

Capstone Design I (Tandem Style)

The purpose of this lecture is to cultivate practical business ability by carrying out various projects related to Korean language. Foreign students will be able to improve their ability to perform actual tasks as well as their Korean language proficiency by carrying out the project on a team basis with Korean students.

Korean comparison and contrast

The purpose of this lecture is to analyze various types of utterances produced by Korean learners and to compare and contrast the learner's language with Korean. For this purpose, we will collect the spoken and written language data of Korean learners and conduct a systematic analysis.

Understanding Korean Interpretation

This course aims to enhance interpreting ability to help communication in situations where there are rapidly increasing international exchanges. In this lecture, students will acquire basic knowledge, expertise and skills necessary to perform interpreter related tasks.

Korean Translation Practice

This course is to develop skills necessary for full-scale translation practice. Students will practice translating texts written in English or their native languages into Korean or vice versa. The types of texts may include not only practical texts, but also those of various purposes and genres such as culture, society, and literature.

4nd year courses:

Job Community II

The purpose of this course is to enhance the employment capability of undergraduate students by sharing more information needed for employment and career through 'close consultation' between professors and students.

Capstone Design II (Tandem Style)

The purpose of this course is to develop practical ability to conduct business by conducting Korean language education and Korean translation and interpretation project. International students will be able to improve their ability to perform actual tasks as well as their Korean language ability by conducting a project on a team basis with Korean students.

Educational Media Production and Start-up

This course aims to understand the types of educational media used in the field of Korean language education, and to examine the composition, structure, and utilization of educational media. To this end, we analyze the various educational media currently in use and look for ways to utilize educational media that can be used in the field of Korean language education.

Practice Using Educational Materials

This course aims to understand the types of educational materials used in the field of Korean language education, and to examine the structure, system, and utilization of educational materials. To this end, we analyze the various educational materials currently in use and explore ways to utilize educational materials that can be used in the field of Korean language education.

Korean Interpretation Practice

This course aims to develop the skills needed for full-scale interpreter practice. It concentrates on training to improve students' spoken language. There are training sessions to effectively improve the memory needed for effective interpretation and to listen, summarize, or transcribe verbally given the text on the spot.